Arterial Conditions


David Nabi, MD, FACS of Orange County, CA is a board-certified vascular surgeon. A vascular surgeon is a physician dedicated to treating disorders of the circulatory system. This includes any condition affecting arteries and veins, the conduits of blood supply. I am responsible for ensuring blood travels from your heart to your vital organs and limbs in a safe and healthy manner.

People are prone to a variety of vascular conditions. Arteries can be afflicted by aneurysms, enlargements, and plaque build-up. Veins often become varicose, or experience thrombosis and blood clots. While the title “vascular surgeon” implies the performance of operations, a surgeon’s extends far beyond this definition into consultation on diet, exercise, and medications when appropriate.

If you are being referred to a vascular surgeon, chances are you have been informed about your condition by a family doctor. To be diagnosed with an aneurysm, you must first undergo an ultrasound, CT scan, or MRI. Then, a vascular surgeon will study the results to determine the likelihood that the artery will rupture and become a life-threatening situation. Aneurysms can be monitored and treated in a variety of manners.

Atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, occurs when plaque builds up along the artery wall. This narrows the passage for blood and can lead to serious events such as a stroke. A stroke happens as a result of a piece of plaque breaking off a carotid artery and traveling into the brain. Healthy eating and exercising habits can help prevent plaque build-up.

PAD, or peripheral arterial disease, is also associated with plaque build-up. This time the build-up occurs in leg arteries and restricts blood flow. Unanticipated pain is typically the first symptom of such a build-up. If left untreated, amputation may be the only alternative.

Allow me to aid you in making the right decision regarding your circulatory health! I make sure that blood keeps pumping!