Valentine’s Day State of Mind

With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, I bet you, like us, are thinking about the perfect gift for your loved one. Chocolate and flowers are the traditional go-to, but beyond the romantic gestures and sweet platitudes, the most loving gift of all is the gift of health.

The key to healthy living involves not only a commitment to a healthy lifestyle (diet and exercise!), but just as important are regular health screenings to ensure that all our systems are functioning properly. Now, I am not recommending a doctor’s appointment on February 14th as a romantic gesture! Schedule a couple’s appointment so that you can be seen at the same time! Make sure that you and your loved one are healthy and living your best lives.

Our lives are so busy. A night out for dinner is a nice distraction. For a relaxing and healthy alternative, consider a weekend yoga retreat or a couples massage. Healthy living is about more than picking foods to boost our health. Lower your stress and blood pressure by taking time away from it all to decompress. Create stress-free moments through massage, yoga, or meditation. These are acts of self-care. It shifts the focus away from our busy jobs and lives and allows us to unwind, live in the now, and enjoy the quiet.

Instead of going to a busy restaurant, take your loved one to a picnic in the park, lake, or beach. Bring a delicious and heart-healthy basket of fresh berries, apples, and gourmet cheeses with crackers. You could opt for a nature hike or moonlit walk on the beach with your favorite hot beverage, such as tea or hot chocolate. If the weather is not permitting, transform your dinner table into a private escape with candlelight and a to-go order from your favorite restaurant. Use the fine china you never use. Leave your cell phones in a drawer. Disconnect and enjoy a moment with your loved one. Whether it’s your spouse, significant other, or a best friend, it’s important to take time to enjoy and appreciate your special someone.

Valentine’s Day is more than just a day; it’s a state of mind. It’s a reminder to celebrate the love in our lives and to practice self-care. Unplug from the world and savor life’s little moments. This isn’t contained to just February 14th. This is good advice all year long.

Happy Valentine’s Day from your friends at!


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